Identify what marketing efforts generated the most revenue using Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Identify what marketing efforts generated the most revenue using Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Data dodania: 21 grudnia 2013
Kategoria: Artykuły Microsoft
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It’s Year End – Do you know what marketing efforts generated the most revenue? You do with Microsoft Dynamics CRM

In today’s environment, every marketing cent has to be account for and knowledgeable companies know that the right marketing mix can have a big impact on growth, profitability and competitive advantage.

Measurement and management of marketing activities is crucial to the success of a business in terms of money and time. Unsuccessful activities and campaigns must be identified to ensure resources are not wasted.

Have you ever wanted…

  • To provide a summary of how much revenue your marketing efforts generated this year; without having to sieve through numerous amounts of data.
  • To easily identify the number of leads and new opportunities arisen from your marketing spend in order to allocate budget for the following year?
  • To use real-time data from your website to ensure targeted marketing campaigns (Improve lead generation and better visualise key metrics using comprehensive lead management and inline data visualization capabilities).
  • To measure the overall customer experience; gaining relevant information to build lasting customer relationships.

Optimise your marketing efforts using the familiar and wide-ranging marketing capabilities of Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Marketing Pilot. In terms of analysing the success of previous campaigns, and to identify ‘actionable’ activities, it is important to identify:

  • What was the total financial investment for doing the campaign?
  • Did the mailing/cold calling generate responses?
  • Did the campaign/website/marketing efforts generate any leads?
  • Did any leads turn into opportunities?

The adaptable, customised marketing components in Microsoft Dynamics CRM can help an organisation to provide the essential elements for managing marketing planning and budgeting.
These include:

Strategy & Budget: Gain key insight in terms of successful campaigns, ROI, goal planning and timelines, estimated expenses and cost calculations in order to enhance decision making.

  • Measure your marketing success with key performance indicators (KPIs).
  • Gain business insight with real-time dashboards and inline data visualisation.
  • Follow key marketing objectives with comprehensive goal-tracking capabilities.
  • Track key campaign indicators with built-in reports.
  • Identify trends and allocate resources using powerful predictive analytics.

Tactics & Deployment:  Dynamics CRM allows an organisation to define and track campaign budgets, tasks, activities, and collateral with holistic campaign management capabilities.

  • Plan and track activities, tasks, budgets and details for each marketing activity.
  • Tailor messages for highly targeted lists.
  • Save time and money with reusable campaign templates – easily create marketing plans with embedded document management capabilities.
  • Use predefined workflows to streamline processes and approvals.
  • Create internet landing pages for campaigns without any coding.

Measurement & Results:  Campaign responses; streamlining of lead tracking, opportunities and revenue; response tracking, customer service and accounting reports:

  • Holistic Response Tracking: drive closed-loop campaign execution by centrally tracking responses and converting email responses to leads or opportunities.
  • Better coordination with sales by tracking leads using one centralised system.
  • Automatically assign leads based on predefined workflows, identifying the most promising leads with conditional formatting.
  • Instantly assign responses to most qualified resources for follow-up, in order to convert to opportunities.
  • Use guided dialogues to streamline the lead qualification process.
  • Automatically capture and categorise responses from Internet landing pages.

Marketing Pilot with Dynamics CRM not only helps planning and management of marketing resources across different marketing teams; but also provides planning and tracking of both the expenses and the results for any marketing event. This offers accurate insight into campaign expenditure, marketing budgets, which in turn aids better forecasts for future campaigns.

With powerful workflow capabilities and guided processes, Microsoft Dynamics CRM helps your marketing organisation automate lead distribution, ensure consistent follow-up, simplify approvals, and implement marketing best practices. Best of all, at the end of the year, deliver your end-of-year report quickly and easily with Microsoft Dynamics CRM, as all the marketing campaign responses and costs are tracked and recorded, and can be traced back to the marketing activity that generated them.